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React Native Animated for Beginners



In order to create a value that can be animated we need to create a new value.

We do that by calling

new Animated.Value(0);

Typically we'll do this and set it on state. However, this can be called in componentWillMount, constructor, or really anywhere besides render.

getInitialState: function() {
	return {
		someAnimatedValue: new Animated.Value(0)

constructor(props) {
	this.state = {
		someAnimatedValue: new Animated.Value(0)

componentWillMount: function() {
	this._someAnimatedValue = new Animated.Value(0)

Creating a new Animated.Value goes through the process of setting everything up so that our Animated.View or similar components can read and attach listeners to the internal value that is being animated.


Animated.Value is an instance that has the actual value shielded inside of it. These can be passed into style props on Animated components but additionally can be passed into any property on an Animated component. There are limitations in this though, it must be a property that takes a simple value, the property cannot take an array or an object, so for example strokeDash can take an array. In this case we cannot pass an array of animated values into strokeDash, it will cause errors to be thrown. Another example is contentOffset on ScrollView, this takes an object of {x: value, y: value} this will not work with Animated.

Most importantly passing to a value other than the style prop should be a native property!

These shortcomings will hopefully be fixed in future versions of Animated to allow for any arbitrary data structure to have animated values.