
Migrating Ava to Jest

First off. Star the repo here https://github.com/facebook/jest so you can show some love for the hardwork that has been put into it.


I was an early adopter of Jest back in the early days ( ~v0.4). It was okay but difficult to setup and slow with sometimes weird results and behaviors.

Tireless effort has been done by Christoph Pojer to get to the latest Jest (v16.01) so props to him and others working with him.

Check out the fantastic documentation here https://facebook.github.io/jest/docs/getting-started.html

Migrating in seconds

There is almost nothing to write about on this topic because it was almost too easy. Mostly because of jest-codemods. It is a set of codemods crafted to transition your Tape or Ava project to Jest.

It is worth it. Jest has come along way when it comes to speed, functionality, configuration options, and ease of configuration (or lack there of to get started).

There were minor configurations I had to setup, but most were copying and pasting from the documentation.

Lets dive into the process real quick.

First and last step to transition tests

First install jest-codemods

npm install -g jest-codemods

Then run jest-codemods in a desired directory. It will prompt you with Ava, Tape, or a both option. Then you provide a glob. I was running in my root so I provided the glob **/__tests__/**/*.js to convert all of my tests.

That was it.


For basic implementations that is all you need!

Add "test": "jest" to your package.json scripts section and you're good to go!


There are a few caveats to note. In Ava you can pass in custom messages to the assertions. This is missing in the default expect provided by Jest but is by no means a deal breaker.

t.plan and t.skip aren't supported by the codemod.

t.skip and t.plan go hand-in-hand. I find t.skip to be somewhat unnecessary but t.plan is great for async tests.

This isn't a deal breaker by any means. And Christopher is happy to accept a PR for it too!.

What is awesome

Our setup uses Webpack root property to use shared code across 2 directories in a monorepo. Adding that in other testing libraries required webpack and other NPM installed libraries. In Jest it is as simple as adding this to your config.

 "modulePaths": [

Are you using CSS Modules and want to actually test out certain classes get applied? Well Jest has a nice out of the box solution. It does require an additional NPM install of identity-obj-proxy but it's worth when it's an easy config option.

"moduleNameMapper": {
    "^.+\\.(css|less)$": "identity-obj-proxy"

That's all you need to do to get CSS modules working.

For more awesome-examples and full configuration options checkout the documentation https://facebook.github.io/jest/docs/getting-started.html. Many of the normal uses cases have been though of and are documented with copy and paste configuration options!

Check it out

I'm barely scratching the surface of what is great about Jest. There is hopefully more coming but go use Jest, star the repo on git https://github.com/facebook/jest and never look back.ode across 2 directories in a monorepo. Adding that in other testing libraries required webpack and other NPM installed libraries. In Jest it is as simple as adding this to your config.

 "modulePaths": [

Are you using CSS Modules and want to actually test out certain classes get applied? Well Jest has a nice out of the box solution. It does require an additional NPM install of identity-obj-proxy but it's worth when it's an easy config option.

"moduleNameMapper": {
    "^.+\\.(css|less)$": "identity-obj-proxy"

That's all you need to do to get CSS modules working.

For more awesome-examples and full configuration options checkout the documentation https://facebook.github.io/jest/docs/getting-started.html. Many of the normal uses cases have been though of and are documented with copy and paste configuration options!

Check it out

I'm barely scratching the surface of what is great about Jest. There is hopefully more coming but go use Jest, star the repo on git https://github.com/facebook/jest and never look back.