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Master React Native Animations


This is used to run a set of animations one after the other. Once an animation is finished the next one is run. So as we see here we run first a color animation, then we scale. Our start callback won't be run until they both finish, so in 800 milliseconds.

  Animated.timing(this.state.colorAnimation, {
    toValue: 1,
    duration: 500,
  Animated.timing(this.state.scaleAnimation, {
    toValue: 2,
    duration: 300,

You can additionally animate the same animated values inside of sequences.

  Animated.timing(this.state.colorAnimation, {
    toValue: 1,
    duration: 500,
  Animated.timing(this.state.colorAnimation, {
    toValue: 0,
    duration: 500,
  Animated.timing(this.state.scaleAnimation, {
    toValue: 2,
    duration: 300,

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